Benefits of Silk Pillowcases on Skin & Hair
Hello hello my hair loving besties!
You wouldn’t have guessed but I am back again with another interesting blog for you all! Today I will be sharing the benefits of using a silk pillowcase on skin and hair! Yes, you have read right, a pillowcase that can help beautify us ten times more and benefits both skin and hair… amazing I know! First, do you own a silk pillowcase… well if you don’t this is a sign for you to invest in a good quality one but first let me give you some more detail!
Do you spend hours on end doing your lengthy hair regime or spend hours on scalp treatments, hair masks and even use a dose of your luxurious oils once a week? As well as, follow a long skincare routine spending thousands of money! Well the thing is no matter how many steps you take or creams and hair products you apply a very simple tip that helps skin and hair is of course sleep! But sleeping on regular cotton or satin pillows isn’t the same as sleeping on SILK PILLOWCASES!
Now, you are probably wondering what do silk pillowcases actually do well keep reading the silk pillows on my site are amazing as they are made from 100% Mulberry silk in 22 momme, which is the highest quality silk you will find! It isn’t only gentle on your skin and hair but its hypoallergenic and helps you to wake up with sleeker, glossier hair wow!
Some more details on silk pillowcases are the fact that they don’t pull and absorb moisture from your hair the way cotton pillowcases do. As a result of this the oils stay in your hair making your hair healthier, smoother and shinier, isn’t that just goals! Who would have thought a pillowcase could do wonders like that, equally who knew a cotton pillowcase could have such a negative impact on your locks!
A 100% pure silk pillowcases is a necessity for those who are starting or on a healthy hair journey! Not only doing it benefit your luscious locks or beautiful skin it adapts to the weather. By this I mean, the pillowcase is warm in the winter and cool in the summer for you to enjoy what a win win! A luxurious pillowcase for all year round!
Some of the benefits of the silk pillowcases available on my site:
– 100% mulberry silk
– 22 Momme (30% more silk than 19mm)
– Top OEKO certification: safe & non-toxic
– 100% Biodegradable
– Hypoallergenic
That’s all now my hair loving friends! Above, I have stated the many benefits of using a silk pillowcase but choice is yours! I mean this is one of the most simplest step you can add to your hair regime to achieve your hair goals! If you want to transform your hair then do order and you hair and skin will thank you later! That’s it from me today, yay to more hair posts! Do continue to share your hair transformations with me as I love to see amazing results.
Till next time, see you later besties!